

This page provides a list of websites, charities and organisations that are a useful source of general information regarding all aspects of living, or caring for someone, with HIV/AIDS.

Body & Soul


Body & Soul is an innovative charity that uses a comprehensive, community-based and trauma informed approach to address the life-threatening effects of childhood adversity in people of all ages.

Their approach is evidence based and informs all that they do. Body & Soul  take a systemic and humanistic approach that is collaborative and solution focused. Through building members’ protective factors they promote and develop resiliency, interrupt latent vulnerability and transform lives.

Good Grief


The Good Grief Trust exists to help all those affected by grief in the UK. Their vision is to help those bereaved from day one, acknowledge their grief and provide reassurance, a virtual hand of friendship and ongoing support.

They bring bereavement services together, to ensure that everyone receives the tailored support they need to move forward with their lives.

Living Well


Living Well is an organisation that provides a wide range of psychological, psychosocial and behaviour change services designed to help people improve and maintain their physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. Our mission is to support people, especially those from marginalised groups such as ethnic minorities, LGBT+, women and those living with HIV and other long-term health conditions, by providing a wide range of services designed to improve and maintain overall mental health and wellbeing while also helping to reduce loneliness and social isolation.



Metro promote health and wellbeing through their transformative services to anyone experiencing issues relating to sexuality, gender, equality, diversity and identity. They use their own unique insight from these transformative services and diverse heritage to influence decision makers and to effect positive change.

NHS - Physical activity guidelines for adults aged 19 to 64


Adults should do some type of physical activity every day. Exercise just once or twice a week can reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke.

Plus Health


Plus Health inform, empower, support and improve the lives of people living with HIV, their HIV negative partners, family members, close friends and carers so they can live healthy active lives, free from stigma and prejudice.

Their FREE online HIV support service is central to the way they work and is available throughout the UK.

Positively UK


Positively UK is a national organisation which aims to protect the health and wellbeing of people living with HIV by providing tailored peer support, promoting positive attitudes and equitable access to health for people living with HIV.



Spectra delivers supportive, knowledgeable, non-judgemental peer-based services to under-served communities.

Spectra envisions a future where people from under-served and disadvantaged communities reach their full potential by being empowered, encouraged and supported to make positive, informed life-choices. Discrimination around gender, sexuality, trans status, health inequalities and related stigma has been eradicated and other barriers such as deprivation and racial inequality have been challenged and dismantled. Obstacles to accessing education, healthcare, and social welfare services have been removed and robust field-based evidence informs continuous improvement, service design and relevant public policy.



The work of Terrence Higgins Trust at the forefront of the fight against HIV and improving the nation’s sexual health is underpinned by their vision, mission and values.

THT is the UK's leading HIV and sexual health charity.
They support people living with HIV and ensure their voices are heard, providing testing services for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, and helping the people using their services to achieve good sexual health.
As well as provide services, THT campaign on issues from relationships and sex education in schools to the proper funding of HIV services.
They also run community projects such as Positive Voices, which supports people living with HIV to tell their own stories, and work and skills programmes for people living with HIV. And on behalf of Public Health England, THT lead 'It Starts With Me,' the national HIV prevention programme.